The Wireless Technologies educational laboratory addresses a wide variety of teaching tracks that include

  • radiating systems for wireless communications, sensing, and radars
  • radio-frequency circuits and electromagnetic compatibility - industrial, biomedical, and structural diagnostics
  • innovative EM materials and smart EM devices

Research activities

The design, simulation, and validation of advanced devices, systems, and control algorithms are addressed in several different applicative scenarios ranging from 5G communication and beyond, towards smart EM scenarios to satellite antennas, and from biomedical EM diagnosis to subsurface structural diagnostics and smart material design.

The objective of the teaching process is to enable the young students and researchers to learn and develop skills that connect the wireless propagation theory to the practical implementation of complex applications, algorithms, and devices.


Additional information

Address: Polo Ferrari 1, via Sommarive 5, 38123 Povo (Trento)
Room 256, floor +1