The Program
EIT Digital program is held in a consortium of European top universities and leads together with business partners to provide on a double-degree program both technical excellence and hands-on experience.
EIT Digital Master School students will gain the state of the art technical knowledge and achieve the abilities needed to drive their innovative and entrepreneurial ideas to the market. The program is strongly focused on the acquisition of transferable skills, especially on innovation and entrepreneurship.
The program involves mandatory 2-year mobility, the first year in an entry university and the second one in an exit university. It also includes a mandatory Summer School held in one of the EIT nodes in Europe. At the end of the program, a Master's degree will be awarded by both universities involved in the mobility scheme. Moreover, EIT students will receive an "EIT label" certificate, which aims at attesting the Innovation & Entrepreneurship skills gained during the program.
The University of Trento is currently holding seven EIT technical majors either as an entry and exit point or as an exit only.
For further information about
- EIT Digital Masters School
- EIT Digital Master Programmes
- EIT Digital academic offer at UniTrento
- EIT Digital Student Ambassadors.
EIT Digital Master School is part of EIT Digital. EIT Digital is a leading European digital innovation and entrepreneurial education organization driving Europe’s digital transformation.
Technical programs at DISI
Each technical program is organized in 120 ECTS.
90 technical ECTS divided in two years:
- 1st year - common base
- 2nd year - specialization and thesis project
30 Innovation & Entrepreneurship ECTS divided in two years:
- 1st year - basis and BDLab (Business Development)
- 1st year (Summer) - summer school
- 2nd year - I&E studies
Technical programs at the Master's Degree in Information and Communication Engineering
- Cloud and Network Infrastructures - CNI (entry & exit point. Program Coordinator: prof. Fabrizio Granelli)
See the Master's Degree Didactic offer
Technical programs at the Master's Degree in Computer Science
- Cyber Security - CSE (entry & exit point. Program Coordinator: prof. Bruno Crispo)
- Human-Computer Interaction & Design - HCID (exit point. Program Coordinator: prof. Luca Turchet)
- Embedded Systems - ES (exit point. Program Coordinator: prof. Luigi Palopoli)
- Data Science - DSC (exit point. Program Coordinator: prof. Giovanna Varni)
- Fintech - FT (entry & exit point. Program Coordinator: prof. Sandro Luigi Fiore)
See the Master's Degree Didactic offer
Learning outcomes
- Master appropriate technologies
- Relevant business insights, legal and societal expertise
- Technology skills with strategic business expertise
- Applying state-of-the-art theories
- Proposing novel and innovative services with sustainable business models
The admissions process to all the EIT Digital Master's programs is handled centrally by the EIT Digital Master School Office located in Stockholm.
Application 2024/25 intake:
- Period 1: 1 November 2023 - 8 February 2024 Open to EU/EEA/CH/Non-EU citizens Please find more details:on deadlines and admission process timing.
- Period 2: 12 February 2024 - 11 April 2024: Open to EU/EEA/CH// citizens and Non- EU citizens holding the italian residence. Please note that application period two is not recommended for applicants who require an EU study visa due to time constraints. Also, note that all study trajectories may not be available during application period two.
- Period 3: 15 April 2024 - 23 May 2024: Open to EU/EEA/CH/ citizens and Non- EU citizens holding the italian residence
All requirements, requested documents and universities/technical majors offered are available on the EIT Digital Master School website.
For further information please contact eitmaster [at]
Local recruitment
Local recruitment is an extension of the standard admission process that allows students to be selected for entering the EIT Digital MS local program and then apply to become part of the general program.
This process allows students, who have not been able to meet the standard call deadlines, to enter the program locally and be evaluated by the EIT Digital MS during their first semester of studies.
The students locally recruited are considered Parallel Entry Students (PES) as long as they obtain EIT approval. They will need to fulfill the EIT Digital MS general requirements starting from the first year.
For further information contact: eitmaster [at]
Call for scholarship for students without any kind of grant by EIT Digital
UniTrento offers some Double Degree Scholarships for students who do not receive any contribution from the EIT consortium. These scholarships are available only for second-year entry students at UniTrento.
The call for applications will be published indicatively between July and August 2023. Interested students will be contacted directly
For further information please contact the International Mobility Office - Science and Technology Area at master-st [at]
Partner Universities
- Aalto University (Aalto), Finland - for CNI, DSC, and HCDI progams
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Hungary - for DSC, ES and FT programs
- Eötvös Lorand University (ELTE), Hungary - for CSE and DSC programs
- EURECOM, France - for CSE program
- KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden - for CNI, DSC, ES and HCID programs
- Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Spain - for DSC, FT and HCID programs
- Université Côte d’Azur (UCA), France - for DSC and FT programs
- University of Rennes 1 (UR1), France - for CNI, CSE, DSC and FT programs
- University of Turku (UTU), Finland - for CSE, DSC and ES programs
- University of Twente (UT), The Netherlands - for CSE, DSC and HCID programs
- Babeș-Bolyai University Romania - for CSE program
Summer Schools
EIT Digital Summer School programmes are open for bachelor and master students, young professionals, and others who want to deep-dive into emerging digital technologies, learn how to turn technology into business, and eventually launch deep-tech startups. Any educational background is welcome.
More details at
eitmaster [at]
Students' Support Opening Hours:
Tuesday 13:30-15:30 and Thursday 10:30-11:30
Ms. Volha Tarasevich, office n. 154, floor 1, Povo 2