University student houses
- Opera Universitaria, the provincial organization that owns and manages halls of residence
- Collegio Bernardo Clesio
Private accommodation
Please note that the University does not provide any assistance to students seeking private accommodation. Here below a list of useful links.
- Nest student house
- Affitti
- Trento bakeca
- Phosphoro (with offices in Trento in Via Manzoni, 16)
- Bazar (online and print edition)
Catering service
In Povo there are two canteens and one cafeteria, open from Monday to Friday (closed on Saturday and Sunday).
Povo-0 Canteen and Pizza station (address: via Sommarive 14)
Open from 11.45 to 14.00
Povo-1 Canteen (address: via Sommarive 5)
Open from 11.45 to 14.30
Povo-1 Cafeteria (address: via Sommarive 5)
Open from 8.00 to 16.00
For further information, visit the Canteen webpage by Opera Universitaria